there are at least twelve Platters groups performing in the
United States. We hope to also soon include more Platters groups world-wide,
so if you know of *any* others, in the U.S. or abroad, or have further
details to provide, please e-mail us by clicking the link to the left.
click on any of the photos below to go to a page for that group. We will
attempt to eventually provide schedules, merchandise that is available,
links, and group biographies and history on each featured group on their
particular site.
Reed of The Original Platters & His Group
group is led by original Platter Herb Reed, and is based out of Massachussettes.
This group, which can often be found performing on cruises, features
Herb Reed, Billy Cox, William Newton, Wayne Miller, and DD Martin. UPDATE:
Mr. Reed passed away in 2013 |
Turner's Platters
group is led by Sonny Turner who was the 2nd lead singer for The Platters
from 1960 until 1970, and is based out of Las Vegas, NV. This group lists
Sonny Turner, James Austin, Morris Williams, Herb McQuay, and Adel Martin
as its members. |
Platters Featuring The Legendary Monroe Powell
out of Las Vegas, this group features the Platters 3rd lead singer, Monroe
Powell. He has continuously led The Platters since 1970, after performing
and recording with The Dominoes and The Ink Spots. The Platters feature
Monroe Powell, Don Gloude, Chicago Lamar, Robbie Robinson, and Deborah
Sherman. (updated 8/1/07) |
Wilson Williams &
His Platters
Made up primarily of members
of Monroe Powell's group before he left in 2007, this group normally is
a 4-member group. 2008 has seen additional members from other Platters
groups past and present, and is led by Wilson Williams. This group also
features other former members of the Platters from time to time. UPDATE:
During 2011-12, WIlliams group also included former Platter Ray Brewster.
Currently this group features a variety of members which also include Sase'
Brandon and Verceal Whitaker.
& Mathews Tribute To The Platters
from Detroit, Michigan, Ritchie Jones was originally hired by Platters
founder Buck Ram during the mid-1980s. He went on to a long career as lead
singer performing for the Paul/Martha Robi Platters. Today, he is joined
by Darrell Mathews (also of the Buck Ram Platters), Diane Mathis, and Mario
Kinsey on stage. From time-to-time, he and Mathews also take part in "An
All-Star Platters Review" featuring other former members of The Platters.
3/18/08: update: we've heard they are now using the name of FMO The Platters
(former members of). |
All-Star Platters Revue
lineup features members with ties to a variety of Platters groups
through the years, and comes self-contained, as they also handle
all instrumentation, featuring two keyboards and guitar. Lead singer Ritchie
Jones previously performed with The Buck Ram Platters and Martha Robi’s
Platters group, music director/keyboard player/vocalist Darrell Mathews
was with The Buck Ram Platters, and Al Holland (vocals/keyboards) and Gary
Harvey (guitar) both had long tenures with Monroe Powell’s Platters group.
UPDATE: This configuration has not worked for several years. |
Buck Ram Platters
group has no original members, is based out Las Vegas, NV and is managed
by Jean Bennett of The Personality Group. This group now features Tyrone
Sweet, Herb Rawlings, Paris Red, Darrell Scott, and John Haynes. UPDATE:
This group no longer features Tyrone Sweet. Mr. Sweet has his own tribute
group. |
World Famous Platters
group, based out of Branson, MO., has no original members. Two of this
groups members appeared with Zola Taylor's independent group, as well as
with Tony Williams in later years. It has been licensed to perform by Jean
Bennett of Personality Productions. The World Famous Platters members now
consists of Lawrence "Rooster" Lockard, Eddie Stovall, Willie Nash and
Rico Johnson. |
group, which features no original or "legitimate" members, can often be
found performing in Las Vegas, NV casinos. It is managed by Larry Marshack
of RCI Corp., and has been licensed to use The Platters name by Jean Bennet.
This group features Derek David as lead. Several incarnations of this group
supposedly exist, often under the billing of East or West Coast Platters. |
Purdie Salutes The Platters
group features no original Platters. Purdie, however, was a member
of a Platters group for a time (not to be mistaken for the very well-known
drummer). This group is based out of Virginia, managed by a Canadian Company,
and features Bernard Purdie, Billy Lee Hughes, George Cox, and Laurie Anderson
(wife of Gary U.S. Bonds).
recently received new information that Mr. Purdie is no longer performing.
The rest of the members have joined a Canadian based Platters group (The
Legendary Platters) which is shown below. |
Magic Platters (France)
my former member of The Platters, Ella Woods, this group makes its home
in France.
8/1/07: Ella Woods has contacted us to let us know this group has been
been based out of Belgium. Rumor has it that she is coming back to the
United States.
for more information on this group! |
Amazing Platters"
by bass man Eddie Daniels, this California-based group also featured Robbie
Robinson (of The Ink Spots & Dominoes) as 2nd tenor, Jessica Taylor,
and Adrian Pepo on lead. Several of these members will often also be found
with additional groups of Platters, Ink Spots, etc.
Monroe Powell recently appeared with this group in The Phillipines, and
fronted for them on an Ink Spots show.
Both Jessica Taylor and Robbie Robinson are performing with Monroe Powell's
Adrian Pepo passed away on September 1, 2003
Going way back to 2002... it appears that in fact this was a seperate group
that Monroe performed with in the Phillipines. It was, in fact the Marvelous
Platters, of which Eddie Daniels was not a part of. |
Taylor's Platters"
of this group include Latif Shadi, Larry Hicks, BJ Mitchell, and Princess
Valera Brown. Mitchell was with Robi's group during the 1980s. Adrian Pepo
also appears with variations of this group. The basis to this group is
that one or more of the members were with Zola's group before she became
ill, and they are often found performing over-seas.
Legendary Platters"
group is based out of Canada and is comprised of several members who previously
appeared with Purdie's groups. Members include Oscar Charles, Dee LaRoch,
George Cox, and Jimmy Dooley -- or a variation of that lineup. |
Golden Platter"
Bullock was in the Buck Ram led group from 1965-70 and is performing as
"The Golden Platters" out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin with the permission of
Jean Bennett and Personality Productions. |
Magic Platters (Deutchland)
I honestly
have no information on this group exept that it is a quartet located in
Deutchland. This group shouldn't be confused with Ella Woods group in France
for more information on this group! |
of The Platters (United Kingdom)
very little information on this group. This group is based out of the United
Kingdom and features a quartet consisting of no females. If I'm not mistaken,
this group does not perform to live music, but recorded renditions of The
Platters hits. Members include William Lessenberg, Myles Kaine, Gary Bardoville,
and Gee Bello.
for more information on this group! |
Coleman's Platters
recently obtained information on this group (thanks Rex!) and know the
lineup to be Barry Gunn, Denise Morgan, Arnold Parker, and Joe Coleman
(lead). Looking for further information. UPDATE: This group does not regularly
perform any longer. Mr. Coleman performs as a solo artist, with his group
LCB, and with Glenn Leonard's Temptations Revue.
Eighty One
very little information on this group. Apparently this group operated out
of Europe in the 1980s. No further information.
for more information on this group! |
Furgeson's Platters
was with a group called the "original Platters" during the 70s and 80s,
and now has his own group.
have recently obtained information on, and contacted, many more artists
performing as the Platters worldwide. Fortunately, we have also personally
come in contact with many of those artists and groups listed on the yet
incomplete roster page, and many more! Keep tuned into this page for further
information and photographs!